How Old Timber Floors Can Become New Again With One Simple Service

Are you considering installing hardwood flooring in your home? Learn more about the right types of wood and installation tips.

How Old Timber Floors Can Become New Again With One Simple Service

16 July 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Timber is a beautiful material, and many people use it as flooring because of its sturdy nature and natural appeal. The only problem that you might find with wooden flooring is that it can get stained, scuffed and scratched over time, just like any flooring material can. However, unlike other flooring materials, timber can be fixed without replacing the entire section of flooring. If you love your wooden flooring but don't like how it looks right now, then all you need to do is get a simple floor sanding and polishing service done to it and it will look good as new again.

Get Rid Of Surface Level Imperfections

Almost all problems with your wooden flooring are going to be surface level and less than a centimetre deep, if that. While your flooring might look like it has been through a war, in actual fact it is probably just as strong as when you first go it. The porous surface can be damaged with enough force over time, so this is to be expected. Floor sanding uses a very fine grit that takes off a tiny part of your timber flooring to reveal a beautiful, clean finish just below the surface. This does nothing to weaken the structural stability and is only revealing what is already there.

Make It Sparkle

After the top layer of your wooden flooring has been removed, the underneath will be quite rough as it is just pure, natural wood. So, to prevent this from leaving splinters in your feet every time you walk over it, you will need floor polishing too. This acts as a seal as well so that your floor is less likely to get damaged in the future, but mainly it just makes your flooring look that much better than it did before. Timber floors can get dull over time, but they do not have to stay that way.

How To Tell If You Need Floor Sanding Or Not

Many people, when they move into an apartment or home, decide that they want a fresh start with flooring that feels new, and that's why they get floor sanders in as soon as possible. Otherwise, you may just up and decide one day that your flooring is simply not up to scratch and you finally want to be able to show off your house like you once did. The simple answer to when you should get floor sanding and polishing done to your home is whenever you feel like it! It can be done to floors that only have slight imperfections all the way through to floors that seem as if they couldn't possibly be any more scuffed up or stained. 

For more information about floor sanding or polishing, reach out o professionals. 

About Me
Hardwood flooring installation

I love the look of hardwood flooring. It gains character as it ages and you see the warmth of the wood come out. It's not as easy to install as some of the new laminate floors, but I can guarantee you that 10 years down the track the extra work you put into installing the flooring is obvious in the better condition of the flooring. If you are contemplating hardwood flooring this blog will be a useful resource. It has a guide to choosing the right types of wood and tips to make sure your installation is as flawless as possible.